Welcome to Bravo Mining Corp.

Bravo Mining Corp. (TSX.V: BRVO, OTCQX: BRVMF) is a Canadian and Brazil-based mineral exploration and development company focused on advancing its Luanga PGM+Au+Ni Project in the world-class Carajás Mineral Province of Brazil. 

LUANGA is a Multi-Million Ounce Tier 1 PGM + Au + Ni Deposit and one of the very few potential sources of such critical and scarce metals outside regions challenged by political instability, infrastructure shortcomings and permitting complexities. 

Bravo has recently updated its Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) with 10.4 million ounces (“Moz”) Palladium Equivalent (“PdEq1”) Measured + Indicated, and 5.0 Moz PdEq1 Inferred, (Palladium Equivalent). It is based on a higher level of confidence with 67% in the Measured & Indicated category and supported by straightforward metallurgy based on extensive metallurgical program for both oxide and sulphide materials. 

86% of total MRE tonnage sits above 250 metres level while remains substantial growth potential at depth as mineralization continues down to ~450 metres in certain areas of the deposit.

In addition, Bravo has identified Iron Oxide Copper Gold-style (“IOCG-style”) mineralization when it intersected discovery drill holes DDH2405T002 with 11.5m of massive/semi-massive/breccia high-grade copper sulphide mineralization grading 14.3% Cu, 3.3g/t Au and DDH2405T004 with 8.8m grading 9.5% Cu and 2.1g/t Au.

These discoveries have opened a whole new prospective frontier for Bravo, as it is well known that the Carajás Mineral Province is a fertile area for copper discoveries and Luanga sits within a geological corridor containing several large-scale IOCG deposits/operations.

Luanga also stands out for having access to all essential infrastructure for mining development and operations, including access to cost-efficient renewable power, highways, rail, ports and a skilled mining workforce. 

Bravo’s current Environmental, Social and Governance activities includes replanting trees in the region, hiring and contracting locally, and working to protect the environment during its exploration activities.

Luanga 3D Presentation 

Luanga Site Tour Deck